Christmas Parties are excellent choices for the holiday season. They bring family and friends together to embrace the Christmas spirit and have fun. Whether planning a Christmas party in your home, your public place, or even working at a business, ensure that you have a lot of fun with your friends and family members through creative games.
Party games are crucial to the success of your Christmas party. They keep your guests entertained and laughing and boost conversation and interaction levels between your party attendees. Keep reading for great suggestions on selecting Christmas party games that will be perfect for your Christmas party.
Guessing Game
This is a good game for any age group, and it can be played in teams or individuals. The objective of this game is to guess how many items are inside a box, bag, or container. You can add a twist by placing some candy inside and telling them they must guess how many candies are inside the container. This will make them more excited about guessing the number of items inside the container.
Name That Holiday Tune
This one is great for teens or tweens who love music and have a sense of humor. It’s simple. Ask each person to name a holiday song, then play it on your phone or computer and see if they can guess what it is! For added fun, start with popular holiday tunes like “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” Then move on to more obscure tunes like “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.”
Racing and Relay Games for Teens
If you have a large group of teens or tweens who love sports, these racing games are fun ways to get them all moving around together in an organised way, even if they don’t know each other well yet. Set up two teams with as many players as possible on each team, and divide them into two groups so that two races are going at once. Choose two events — like running laps around the kitchen table or passing buckets full of water from one end of the room to another. Then have each player on a team complete one event before moving on to the next event and watching as their teammates race against each other for bragging rights!
Murder Mystery Games
If you’re looking for some more advanced games, consider Christmas Murder Mystery Party games. The murder mystery game is set up as a mystery, and your guests have to solve it. The party’s host will be the detective who has to figure out who the murderer is. This game works exceptionally well if you have a small group of friends, but if you want to make it more challenging, ask your friend to invite some other friends so that there are more suspects for the detective to choose from. If you want to make it even more fun, ask your friends to dress up like their favourite TV show or movie characters!
Pass The Parcel
“Pass the parcel” is another excellent option for teens or tweens. It’s simple enough for younger kids but still entertaining for older ones too. You can set up the game by wrapping gifts of different sizes in colorful paper before placing them in the centre of a circle on the floor with each child sitting around it. When the music starts playing, each person has to unwrap one layer until they reach their gift. Whoever gets the biggest/best gift wins!
Candy Hunt
The game is played by dividing the group into two teams and placing a handful of candy in a bowl. The teams then take turns picking one member at a time to go into a separate room and close their eyes while they guess how many pieces of candy are in the bowl. The team guesses how many pieces are in the bowl, but they can only guess once each round. The winning team can then grab some candy from the bowl as their prize.
Mitten Candy Game
Each person will need to bring a pair of mittens or gloves and wear them for this game. You will also need some candy (something small like gummy bears or mini M&Ms). The person playing begins by saying “Christmas,” and then points to someone else who needs to say “Santa Claus” next. Then that person needs to point at someone else who says something about Christmas, such as “turkey dinner” or “presents.”
This continues until everyone has been called on. And everyone can see who got stuck with what word!
Anthropologie’s Christmas Gift Exchange Game
This Christmas gift exchange game is an easy way for you to get your guests into the holiday spirit. It’s also an excellent icebreaker for those who may not know each other very well. You can download the printable PDF here or purchase the kit from Anthropologie.
Truth And Lies About Christmas Gifts
This fun game has you guessing whether or not statements are true or false about real presents from years past. It’s a great way to get everyone laughing! You can purchase the printable PDF here or make your version by downloading our free template here.
Snowball Fight
This is one of the most accessible and fun Christmas party games for teens or tweens! The rules are simple: Everyone starts by standing in a large circle, facing inward. From a distance, someone throws a ball of snow at someone else. When he does, that person turns around and tries to hit him back before he can turn around and hit him again (and so on). The first person who gets hit three times has to run away as fast as he can while everyone else chases after him with snowballs!
Final Words
The Christmas party is always a great occasion to reunite with friends you haven’t seen for the whole year. You can give gifts to them, eat good food and drink non-stop at this party. The party will be more fun if you have various games, where you can eat, drink, dance and sing together. Here are some creative Christmas games you can play at these parties to help keep things lively!