Special needs kids already enjoy a beautiful field to play baseball in Gardendale – the Miracle League of Gardendale, at Pate Field in Luman Harris Park. And sometime this year, a playground will be added next to the field – the Raymond G. Doss Playground of Miracles.


The special needs playground will feature an ADA-compliant surface just like the baseball field. Other features include colorful, handicapped-accessible playground equipment such as swings (with a wheelchair-accessible platform swing), slides, ramps and more that all kids can enjoy, says Dale Hyche, Gardendale parks and recreation director. The design also includes picnic tables, a bench swing with a shade canopy and landscaping. “We have broken ground, are finishing the grading and have purchased equipment,” he says.


One of the playground pieces looks like a Kubota tractor – and that’s in honor and memory of Doss, one of the city’s most well-loved citizens who was devoted to community service, especially to the Miracle League. Doss had a tractor service and was a subcontractor on many city projects, but was always available to help in many ways, says Gardendale Mayor Stan Hogeland.


“Mr. Doss was like a second dad to me,” says Hogeland, who was the city’s parks and recreation director from 1977 to 2012. “He had a life of community service. He did so many things in the community that people didn’t know about – someone would have a need, and he was there.”


The total cost of the playground is $150,000 – and while most of the money has been raised, about $25,000 more is needed, Hogeland says. The community has strongly supported this effort with fundraisers and events, donations from businesses, groups and individuals as well as numerous fundraisers by the Greater Gardendale Chamber of Commerce, and that is continuing. The city also donated $25,000 for the project.


“We will build this,” Hogeland says. “It’s going to be a wonderful addition to our Miracle Field.” The playground is designed by J.A. Dawson & Co. in Pelham.


Lori Pruitt is associate editor of Birmingham Parent.


If you would like to help, checks may be mailed to:


Miracle League Playground of Dreams Fund

City of Gardendale

Attn: City Clerk

P.O. Box 889

Gardendale, AL 35071