Thirteen pinwheels are on display in front of Birmingham City Hall this month, representing the 13 precious children lost in one year in the state of Alabama due to child abuse and neglect. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.

According to the Exchange Club Child Abuse and Prevention Center in Birmingham, programs that support at-risk families, such as home visitation programs and family resource centers, are proven to prevent child abuse and neglect. Studies show that children do well when their parents do well. Supporting families and ensuring parents have knowledge, skills, and resources they need to parent effectively can help protect children from the risk of child abuse and neglect.

In 2017, the CAP Center served 80 families and 137 children with free in-home parent education, nearly 500 adults with free parenting classes, and educated more than 2,400 children to speak up and stay safe in Jefferson County schools and Birmingham City Schools through the Safe Kids Prevention program.

Here are some ways you can support the cause:

• Blue Mondays – Wear blue every Monday in April to increase awareness

• Wear a pinwheel lapel pin throughout the month of April to increase awareness (lapel pins are available through the Exchange Club CAP Center).

• Post a picture on social media any day of the month wearing blue or your pinwheel lapel pin and tell the world why you want to bring awareness to Child Abuse Prevention.  #noexcuseforchildabuseBham, and share the helpful tips and exciting contests that will be posted on The Exchange Club CAP Center’s social media pages throughout the month.

To learn more about child abuse prevention and for more ideas how to become involved, visit