As more cities place limits on public gatherings in order to help prevent the spread of the Covid 19 Coronavirus, many local events, such as our own annual Birmingham Parent’s Special Needs Expo are being canceled or postponed because of the Coronavirus outbreak, as organizations put “social distancing” measures in place to prevent the spread of the virus. Major universities across the state have also decided to move to online learning.
The Alabama Department of Public Health and the Jefferson County Department of Public Health recommend all gatherings involving 500 or more people should be canceled until further notice.
Here are just a few area events that have been postponed or canceled:
- Birmingham Parent’s Special Needs Expo – March 14 – POSTPONED
- Darci Lynn & Friends – March 18 – POSTPONED
- Elevate the Stage – March 13-15 – CANCELED
- Birmingham Hammerfest – March 14 – CANCELED
- Five Points South St. Patrick’s Day Parade – March 14 – CANCELED
- UNCF Mayor’s Masked Ball – March 14 – CANCELED
- Cher – March 18 – CANCELED
Sporting events postponed or canceled:
Birmingham Barons – POSTPONED
Auburn football – POSTPONED
Birmingham Legion FC – POSTPONED
What Can You Do to Protect Yourself and Your Family?
The Jefferson County Department of Health provides some guidelines that you can use to help you and your family or coworkers minimize the risk of catching and/or spreading the Covid 19 Coronavirus, including:
- Make sure that everyone in your family age 6 months and older who can take a flu shot does so soon. While this does not protect directly against COVID-19, it does protect against the flu and help to protect from catching two viruses at the same time
- Wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol based gel multiple times throughout the day
- Cover your coughs and sneezes
- Stay at home if you have a fever
- Stockpile supplies
- Clean and disinfect
- Know your office emergency plan
- Learn home care
- Call your doctor if symptoms get worse
- Stay informed
- For more information from the Alabama Department of Health, click here