Due to the high demand for the offerings and the increased interest in more outdoor activity, VPM staff worked tirelessly to expand the tours and will offer 40 tours on Saturdays and Sundays over the next year.

As much about people as place, the walking tours invite participants to step into the shoes of the architects, visionaries, socialites, and entrepreneurs who sparked the magic in the ‘Magic City.’ The first three tour offerings will be Center Street, The Retail/Theatre District, and Five Points South led by Brian “Voice Porter” Hawkins, Gary Bostany, and Allison Vosicky, respectively. Vulcan Park & Museum

VPM Museum Programs Manager Casey Gamble believes these tours are a much-needed program for citizens and visitors to explore historic areas of the most populated city in Alabama.

From historical homes to new retail developments, VPM traditionally has offered limited walking tours over the past 16 years unlocking and discovering the fascinating, uniqueness of the city. A brainchild of Phillip Morris, a beloved historian and author, these tours allow participants to dive into the rich history and culture discovering hidden architectural treasures in the greater Birmingham region.

The tours are made possible through The Caring Foundation of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, Protective Life Corporation, and Spire.

Registration is $25 for Vulcan Park and Museum members and $40 for non-members.  All tours follow social distancing guidelines with participants required to wear masks. Tour groups will not exceed twenty participants. Space is limited! Reservations and payment are required in advance.

For more information or to register go to Birminghamwalkingtours.com.