As the older children get, the more complicated homework becomes and the longer it has been since parents were in school. Many are now turning to these top apps to fill in the complicated math, reading, and science homework for their kiddos.

Leading homework help platforms, Brainly, broke down the best apps parents need to help their children succeed in and out of the classroom.


Through Khan Academy, students and parents have access to multiple lessons, lectures, and reading material covering a broad amount of subjects. All of the material is also available for easy download.


Smartfeed allows parents to customize media playlists for their kids based on their child’s interests, education, and character traits. Through this app, parents create a visual learning experience that continues to engage their child.


Powerschool allows parents and students to manage school grades and reports while also keeping parents and teachers under a close line of connectivity. With the ability to easily view attendance records and other school announcements.


Brainly is an online learning platform connecting students, parents, and teachers with tutors, peers, and subject matter experts. Through their app, students are able to have direct access to peers through educational forums, scan questions for verified answers, and view curriculum-approved textbooks.


This app created by adult-to-child communication shows parents how to create better communication practices with their children. It helps to keep tension low and resolve unneeded conflicts before they arise, allowing parents to help their child as best as they can.