Don’t Leave Me!
10 Ways to Make Drop Off for Preschoolers and Older Ones Easier
10 Ways to Make Drop Off for Preschoolers and Older Ones Easier
Strangers often heap praise on my husband and me for adopting. My husband eats it up. It gets on my nerves.
You think your child’s on track to start kindergarten, but some of your friends are choosing to hold their kids back a year. Now you’re wondering if that might be a smart move for your child, too. It’s difficult to know, and opinions vary.
Here are some suggestions for items to pack in your camper’s lunchbox to keep them satisfied all day.
7 Tips for Easing the New School Jitters
Visiting the dentist can be a scary experience for some children.
“Don’t leave me! NO! Please! Mommy! Mommy, don’t go!” Sound familiar? Separation anxiety is a normal part of child development. Here are some tips to help alleviate your child’s anxiety.
My husband and I adopted our daughter when she was nine years old. She has a long list of mental health diagnoses. We quickly discovered that parenting a special needs child results in the whole family having a special set of needs.