Open Arms

Open Arms, Open Hearts

The Reality and Rewards of Adoption

Products We Love - For Baby!

Getting Mentally and Emotionally Ready for the Parenting Role

You’ve read plenty of articles and social media posts about all the things you need to do before welcoming your new baby into your home, from freezing meals for those times when nobody has the energy to do the cooking to making sure you have enough diapers to delegating duties across eager to help friends and family members. You and your partner have talked about how your lives will change and feel you’re up for the challenge. You’ve made arrangements at work. Everything seems ready, but are you?

Childhood Trauma Triggers

Childhood Trauma Triggers

Rachel Ashcraft, an occupational therapist with Child Play Therapy in Birmingham, specializes in childhood trauma triggers.

Parents of Children with Special Needs

5 Things to Know About Parents of Children with Special Needs

My husband and I adopted our daughter when she was nine years old. She has a long list of mental health diagnoses. We quickly discovered that parenting a special needs child results in the whole family having a special set of needs.

Adoption: A Redemption Story

Adoption: A Redemption Story

“It’s a scary thing being pregnant, but nobody gets pregnant by mistake,” says Gina.* “God has a plan for every child. He knows every hair on their head. And so adoption came into it when I found out what a beautiful gift adoption is. It was a choice that was the most beautiful gift you could give anybody.”

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