Bullying and the Beautiful Truth

Bullying and the Beautiful Truth

A Children’s Book Author’s Healing Words and Advice

Seven Essential Strengths of Resilient Kids

Seven Essential Strengths of Resilient Kids

Kids today are suffering higher levels of depression and psychological distress than their predecessors, and the pandemic only made things worse. But despite the odds, some are able to become “Thrivers.” Parenting expert and best-selling author Dr. Michele Borba gives insights into the seven traits that help kids succeed.


The Addict’s Mom Announces Their Nationwide Campaign, Lights of Hope, 2018

Join others within our community in honoring and supporting those whose lives have been shattered by addiction and remembering those lost. Ceremonies will be hosted by local chapters throughout the United States. In September, candles will burn bright as beacons of hope for the 22.7 million Americans addicted to drugs.

Picky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders

Picky Eaters vs. Problem Feeders

Is your child a picky eater? Has it become an uncomfortable power struggle at mealtime? Join us as we chat with Child’sPlay therapy center in Birmingham.

10 Ways to Make Caregiver Drop Off Easier

10 Ways to Make Caregiver Drop Off Easier

“Don’t leave me! NO! Please! Mommy! Mommy, don’t go!” Sound familiar? Separation anxiety is a normal part of child development. Here are some tips to help alleviate your child’s anxiety.

Childhood Trauma Triggers

Childhood Trauma Triggers

Rachel Ashcraft, an occupational therapist with Child Play Therapy in Birmingham, specializes in childhood trauma triggers.

How Birth Order Affects How We Parent

Baby Love! How Birth Order Affects How We Parent

Can birth order can be as powerful a variable in personality development as gender? Author Laura Lyles Reagan delves into the research surrounding birth order and reveals how it can affect how we might parent.

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