College 101: Tips for a Successful Freshman Year

College 101: Tips for a Successful Freshman Year

Steps a student can take to aid in a smooth and successful transition into college life.

The Impact of Homeschooling on Girls’ Education Outcomes

The value of education to promote healthy, vibrant lives and communities is undeniable — especially for girls. Unfortunately, despite the leaps made in recent decades to provide equitable educational opportunities for women around the world, some female students still struggle to access quality learning opportunities and tools


2019 Future City Alabama Regional Winner

Mastering making learning fun, this national STEM competition asked middle-school students to imagine, design and build cities of the future!

Douglas Frederick Wins Prince of Peace 2019 Geography Bee

An eighth grade student wins Hoover school’s annual National Geographic Bee over 165 participants and moves on to potentially compete at the National Geography Bee held in Washington, DC in May.

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