Double Uterus, Double Babies, Double Birthdays
Couple delivers rare twin babies at UAB
Couple delivers rare twin babies at UAB
You’ve read plenty of articles and social media posts about all the things you need to do before welcoming your new baby into your home, from freezing meals for those times when nobody has the energy to do the cooking to making sure you have enough diapers to delegating duties across eager to help friends and family members. You and your partner have talked about how your lives will change and feel you’re up for the challenge. You’ve made arrangements at work. Everything seems ready, but are you?
Vomiting? Shivering? Ripping off your clothes? We’ll fill you in on what really happens during childbirth.
Save a Bundle
Baby Wearing in the Heat – tips for staying safe while babywearing while it is warm outside.
Things would no longer be simple.
8 Tips to Help First-time Fathers Adjust to Having a New Baby in the House
This Valentine’s Day, Children’s of Alabama wants to provide a special treat for its patients, and hospital staff hope the public will help.
Celebrating Birth Days at Brookwood Baptist Women’s Center
Why you should take steps before your baby arrives to choose a doctor for your newborn.
You’re due in two months, and you realize you’ve done nothing to prepare your dog for baby’s arrival! Training is crucial before baby arrives.
Skin care for babies is big business. On Amazon alone, there are more than 60,000 products in the baby skin care category!
Sleep needs vary across the lifespan and vary between individuals and families. Every child and family is different.
“…be as prepared as possible and as educated because labor and delivery is an unpredictable journey…”