
The Birmingham Zoo’s Annual ZooRun was a Roaring Success

Over 500 people came out to the Birmingham Zoo’s 2018 ZooRun. Partnering with the Global Conservation Corps (GCC) organization, funds raised through registering for the ZooRun are being used to fund a future ranger’s program and a rhino orphanage, both of which are initiatives of the GCC.


Why You Should Take A Multi-Generational Cruise This Year

Vacationing with extended family can be tricky, but so can traveling alone, especially with children. Due to the variety of activities for children and adults that are provided on most cruise ships, finding the balance between quality time and time apart becomes easier, resulting in a vacation and memories that you and your family will cherish for years to come.


Budget-Friendly Spring Break Getaways

Spring Break is one of the most highly anticipated weeks of each school year. Whether you and your family prefer a relaxing, laid back trip or an adrenaline-filled adventure, Texas has something to offer everyone this Spring Break.

Permian Monsters: Life before the Dinosaurs

Think Strange. Think Monstrous. Think Prehistoric.

Dinosaurs? Think Again!

The Gulf Coast Exploreum in Mobile presents a brand-new adventure where guests can go way back in time – before dinosaurs – when bizarre-looking animals dominated land and sea.


New Alabama Shark Discovery Sheds Light on the Origin of Megalodon

Scientists have reason to believe that the local discovery of a new species of mega-toothed shark, which has been named Bryant Shark and was uncovered in Central Alabama, could have been part of the lineage that eventually led to Megalodon.

Travel to Dunwoody

Dunwoody Delivers Family Fun

Located just minutes north of Atlanta, Dunwoody is a little bit new, a little bit old, a little bit metropolitan and a little bit family-focused.

Thanksgiving Family Resorts | Birminghamparent.com

Thanksgiving Family Resorts

In an attempt to avoid the stress that comes from hosting a family holiday in your home, my extended family (15-20 people) is trying a slightly different tradition this year and looking for a resort that can host us all.

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