Words That Can Change Your Life

Sometimes one word, thought, or concept that pops into your head can change everything. Legend has it that Einstein had a dream in which the word “unified” appeared in a cloud above his head and followed him wherever he went. Later, he worked on his life’s goal, the Unified Field Theory. For non-Einsteins, there are similar situations in which a single idea can transform one’s entire life or career trajectory.



Teaching Kids to Earn and Manage Money

5 Tips for Safe Online Holiday Shopping

5 Tips for Safe Online Holiday Shopping

Black Friday might look a little different this holiday season as companies opt to close their doors to shoppers and instead offer virtual options to help stop the spread of coronavirus. While doing so may help prevent illness, it puts consumers at greater risk for another threat ― cybercrime.

Emergency Fund

Bulletproof Your Bank Account During the Pandemic

These are unprecedented times, you guys. There’s sad news everywhere you look, so I want to give you some hope today. Let’s talk about one thing that can help your specific situation right now, no matter where you’re at with your finances—an emergency fund.

Ask The Attorney

Should I Leave an Inheritance for My Sibling?

Melanie B. Holliman, Estate Planning & Special Needs Attorney, and Executive Director of Alabama Family Trust discusses things to consider regarding inheritance and siblings.

Spring Home Upgrade Ideas

Now that spring is in full bloom, many people are looking for easy and economical ways to upgrade and freshen up their living space. Use these 5 project ideas to allow natural light and color back into your home this season!

How Much House Can I Afford?

How Much House Can I Afford?

Buying a home can be lots of fun. It’s exciting to see all those years of dreaming come to life in a place you can finally call your own. With so many possibilities at your fingertips, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement before asking yourself the most important question of all: How much house can I afford? It doesn’t matter if the kitchen is fabulous or the backyard is big. If you can’t pay the mortgage each month or find the cash to fix what’s broken, your home will never be a blessing.

Dave Says

Is renting to family a good idea? Dave Ramsey gives his input.

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