Eight Great Family Traditions to Start in 2025

Eight Great Family Traditions to Start in 2025

New Year, New Beginnings!

Words That Can Change Your Life

Sometimes one word, thought, or concept that pops into your head can change everything. Legend has it that Einstein had a dream in which the word “unified” appeared in a cloud above his head and followed him wherever he went. Later, he worked on his life’s goal, the Unified Field Theory. For non-Einsteins, there are similar situations in which a single idea can transform one’s entire life or career trajectory.



Teaching Kids to Earn and Manage Money

Seven Essential Strengths of Resilient Kids

Seven Essential Strengths of Resilient Kids

Kids today are suffering higher levels of depression and psychological distress than their predecessors, and the pandemic only made things worse. But despite the odds, some are able to become “Thrivers.” Parenting expert and best-selling author Dr. Michele Borba gives insights into the seven traits that help kids succeed.

Why I Chose A Less Scheduled Summer

Why I Chose A Less Scheduled Summer

When I was in high school, I was involved in more activities then my kids are now. I participated in all different types of extracurriculars like piano lessons, the debate club and the tennis team. My summers were just as busy because I worked twelve-hour shifts as a lifeguard. I admit it – I liked being so active.

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