Sean Dietrich’s Heartwarming Novel Kinfolk Set to Release This Month
Critically acclaimed Southern author Sean Dietrich—also known as Sean of the South—is set to captivate readers once again with his upcoming novel, Kinfolk.
Critically acclaimed Southern author Sean Dietrich—also known as Sean of the South—is set to captivate readers once again with his upcoming novel, Kinfolk.
In a perfect world, caring employees would quickly fix your customer service problems.
“… Mama was full of country wisdom. I think she was a little like your Mama …”
Listen closely. Can you hear it? The sweet sound of morning birds—baby birds welcoming spring!
This is the first column I have ever written about a turtle.
Do you ever like to sit quietly and wonder about things? Me too.
The sun rose over the Alabama highway, and it was pure majesty. The sound of birds was music.
Long ago, somewhere along the line, I realized most of my good friends were fatherless.
It all started with headaches last September. Ben was getting ready for homecoming. He was going to take his neighbor, Julia, to a dance. It was going to be a good year. A very good year.
Sean Dietrich is a columnist, and novelist, known for his commentary on life in the American South. Select columns from his daily column, “Sean of the South,” will now be printed each month in Birmingham Parent. His opinions are his own, and we are thrilled to have him be a part of the Birmingham Parent family. This month, he answers a question from a reader about patriotism.