How to Handle Lice |

How to Handle Lice

“…anyone from any socioeconomic background can get head lice, no matter how clean their hair or home…”

How to Keep Children Safe Around Christmas Trees |

How to Keep Children Safe Around Christmas Trees

As the excitement of the upcoming holidays near, many of us are looking forward to putting up a Christmas tree. Though Christmas trees can add a lot to your home and to the spirit of the season, they also come with some danger risks.

Childbirth |


Choosing the right hospital for you and your baby

Choosing a Pediatrician |

Choosing a Pediatrician

As new parents, you’ll spend lots of time with your baby in the first year of life. But there’s another person who will see your baby a lot as well ??? your pediatrician.

Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children |

Benjamin Russell Hospital for Children

The new Benjajmin Russell Hospital for children is an expansion of Chilldrens of Alabama, one of the 10 busiest pediatric hospitals in the nation, is home to Alabama’s only pediatric trauma center and the only pediatric burn center in the Southeast.

Is Your Child's Backpack Too Heavy |

Is Your Child’s Backpack Too Heavy?

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, over 7,000 emergency room visits each year are due to backpack-related injuries. In 2010 alone, physicians’ offices, clinics and hospital emergency rooms treated nearly 28,000 strains, sprains

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Children’s Hospital Unveils Wall of Inspiration

Children’s Hospital recently unveiled the “Wall of Inspiration” on the expansion facility currently under construction at the hospital in downtown Birmingham. The Wall lists names of some of the children treated here over the years.

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