Dogs and the Howl-idays

Dogs and the Howl-idays

Tips to help make your holidays a wonderful experience for both you and your furry family members.

Host a St. Patrick’s Day Party with Style

Are you planning to host a St. Patrick’s Day party this year? If so, don’t miss these fun and simple ideas on how to create a variety of St. Patrick’s Day festivities and food that guests are sure to enjoy!

Halloween Safety Tips for Toddlers

Halloween Safety Tips for Toddlers

Gearing up for your baby or toddler’s first Halloween? Keep these Halloween safety tips in mind to keep everyone happy and ready for trick-or-treating.

Sean of the South - Sean Dietrich


Sean Dietrich is a columnist, and novelist, known for his commentary on life in the American South. Select columns from his daily column, “Sean of the South,” will now be printed each month in Birmingham Parent. His opinions are his own, and we are thrilled to have him be a part of the Birmingham Parent family. This month, he answers a question from a reader about patriotism.

Ten Things We Didn’t Know about Fatherhood

Celebrating Dads: Ten Things We Didn’t Know about Fatherhood

We’ve all seen the professional athlete, who after spending thousands of hours of practice as a kid in the backyard with his dad, says “Hi Mom!” to the camera while being interviewed on TV. For years, our fathers have taken a backseat to their female partners, giving her the special recognition in place of his own.


Why You Should Take A Multi-Generational Cruise This Year

Vacationing with extended family can be tricky, but so can traveling alone, especially with children. Due to the variety of activities for children and adults that are provided on most cruise ships, finding the balance between quality time and time apart becomes easier, resulting in a vacation and memories that you and your family will cherish for years to come.

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