Alabama Family Trust
Protecting Your Assets for Your Special Needs Child’s Future
Protecting Your Assets for Your Special Needs Child’s Future
A nonprofit group with the goal of educating others about Autism and what it means for children with the disability.
Parents of children with special needs face unique challenges as their child reaches adulthood.
According to GoBankingRates.com, the top five most expensive sports for your child to play are as follows: ice hockey, horseback riding, football, skiing, and gymnastics.
School Ministries of Birmingham brings Biblical teaching to public school students .
College Corner
Tips and Traditions
Parents Can Make a Difference
Make that last beach trip of summer, or try the fabulous fall at the beach.
Creative ideas from PowerYourLunchbox.com
Patience, Time and Love Helps Make it Work
How to Celebrate
Tips to help keep children safe in or around water this summer.
How much does it cost to adopt a child? Do I have to be married? Own my home? Here’s answers to many misconceptions about adoption from someone who knows.
He or She ??? What Will It Be?
Birth – an overwhelming moment in life.
Mothers Milk Bank of Alabama provides donated breast milk for babies in need.
More resorts, cruise lines and destinations are accommodating families with special needs.
Children Have a Voice with Gregory Zarzaur and Zarzaur, Mujumdar & Debrosse.
Tips on how parents can take a more active role in getting their kids interested in the outdoors.