Children’s of Alabama Receives Teddy Bears

Children’s of Alabama Receives Teddy Bears, Donation from Spire

Spire recently delivered 100 teddy bears to Children’s of Alabama for a virtual teddy bear clinic medical-play experience through the Child Life program at Children’s. Spire also made a $15,000 contribution to Child Life to continue the medical play program at the hospital.

Prism Program

Prism Provides Safe Education Resources for Students and Schools

The Birmingham Zoo and the Greater Birmingham Arts Education Collaborative along with numerous participating arts, cultural and science organizations has launched Prism, an online directory of resources to help students of all ages experience arts, culture and science safely.

$3 Million Grant Expands Research Related to Driving and Concussion

$3 Million Grant Expands Research for Teen Driving and Concussion

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development has awarded an R01 grant to the University of Alabama at Birmingham Translational Research for Injury Prevention Laboratory to understand the effects on adolescents driving post-injury as compared to healthy students.

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