Bedwetting & Sleepaway Camps

How to Handle Bedwetting at Sleep-Away Camp

Sleepaway camp is a childhood ritual that every child should be able to enjoy. But for children who wet the bed, sleeping away from home can be a scary prospect. Kids who suffer from this condition are often worried that other campers will discover their secret, or that camp staff won’t be supportive.

Homeschool Tribes

How to Find Your Homeschool Tribe

WANTED: Group of local or online homeschoolers to form a tribe where we all feel relaxed and comfortable. Must just naturally hit it off, and if our kids get along, that’s even better. Must share ideas, field trips, encouragement, tears, laughs, rides, curriculum, coffee, playdates and frustrations. Future possibilities include starting a small learning co-op, holiday parties, book clubs for different ages, sports and more.

Raising Eager Readers

It can be difficult for parents to know exactly when to start teaching their children how to identify colors and numbers or when to start reading to them. However, the earlier parents begin reading to their kids, the better prepared they will be when entering kindergarten.

Teacher Gift Guide

5 Great Gift Ideas for Your Child’s Teacher

Not that apples and being called “The World’s Best Teacher” aren’t appreciated (everyone can benefit from a healthy snack and container for their caffeine source), but why not let our gift buying for teachers evolve too?

Baby Box |

Baby Box

Baby Boxes Credited with Reducing Infant Deaths Arrive in Alabama.

Preparing Happy Campers |

Preparing Happy Campers

Summer camp is a time-honored tradition, rich with activities, newfound friendships and a lifetime of memories. Explore a few ways to make your child’s camp experience smooth sailing from start to finish.

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