Choosing a Pediatrician |

Choosing a Pediatrician

As new parents, you’ll spend lots of time with your baby in the first year of life. But there’s another person who will see your baby a lot as well ??? your pediatrician.

Teach Your Kids to Give Back to Others with Volunteering |

Teach Your Kids to Give Back to Others with Volunteering

The holiday season is a time where many families think about helping others, either to start a new tradition or to begin a regular activity together that will last all year. The possibilities are endless, so it’s sometimes overwhelming to choose.

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10 Tips for Transitioning to High School

The transition from middle school studies to an early high school curriculum can be an exciting yet daunting experience for countless students.

Raising a Princess |

Raising a Princess

Virtues that Spell “Princess,” an excerpt from John Croyle’s new book

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