Our Mindset Drives the Way We Parent Our Children
“Once Your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.”
“Once Your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.”
“It’s a good thing you are so cute!”
Chores are a child’s rite of passage…
Saving up is the ideal way to pay for your family vacation. Planning your trip gives you enough time to save most, if not all, funds for travel; however, some may prefer to fund their vacations without spending all their savings.
Let’s Empower Them to Change the World
A Children’s Book Author’s Healing Words and Advice
It’s not just about imparting knowledge; it’s about nurturing their dreams and passions, and helping them discover their unique talents and interests.
Essential tips for newborn parents
Tips on how to start the conversation about drugs with your kids.
Can offering an allowance help teach critical financial lessons?
We talked to the experts around Birmingham to discover the benefits of some of the most popular after-school activities.
The following is an excerpt taken with permission from Done Being Single: A Late Bloomer’s Guide to Love by Treva Brandon Scharf.
Last summer was one of the most relaxing summers I can remember since my kids were born
Are you looking for a fun and exciting activity to get your kids active and engaged?
You’ve read plenty of articles and social media posts about all the things you need to do before welcoming your new baby into your home, from freezing meals for those times when nobody has the energy to do the cooking to making sure you have enough diapers to delegating duties across eager to help friends and family members. You and your partner have talked about how your lives will change and feel you’re up for the challenge. You’ve made arrangements at work. Everything seems ready, but are you?
April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month
Most parents are at least open to the idea of giving financial assistance to grown children. But there are several pertinent caveats that go along with that desire.
Just some of the benefits of sending your kids to summer camp
Tips to prepare your kids for camp
A Great Alternative