Gadsden Reels In The Bassmaster Elite Series|Gadsden Reels In The Bassmaster Elite Series

Gadsden Reels In The Bassmaster Elite Series

The Bassmaster Elite Series continues its season in Sweet Home Alabama when Gadsden hosts the Whataburger Bassmaster Elite at Neely Henry Lake May 6-9, 2021.

Seven Essential Strengths of Resilient Kids

Seven Essential Strengths of Resilient Kids

Kids today are suffering higher levels of depression and psychological distress than their predecessors, and the pandemic only made things worse. But despite the odds, some are able to become “Thrivers.” Parenting expert and best-selling author Dr. Michele Borba gives insights into the seven traits that help kids succeed.

April is National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month

More than 100,000 people across the country are currently waiting for a life-saving organ transplant with 1,200 men, women, and children waiting in Alabama. 

Summer Camps Can Operate Safely

Can Summer Camps Operate Safely in 2021?

New American Camp Association Summer 2020 survey confirms safety and offers hope for children to rebuild necessary social and emotional connections through camp experiences this summer

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