PJ Library, a non-profit program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation which delivers more than 630,000 books to kids around the world (including Russia!) each month, is getting ready for Hanukkah in a big way.

Any family raising kids may sign up EACH of their children for a free-of-charge subscription for books each month. What could be a better holiday gift than age-appropriate books delivered to the mailbox each month? PJ Library’s children’s literature experts curate the book list to provide  the very best children’s story books that convey Jewish values, traditions and themes for the broad spectrum of families raising Jewish children.

Along with books, PJ Library’s parenting experts are updating their Hanukkah Hub, which offers child-friendly versions of the Hanukkah story along with craft ideas, recipes and lots of educational and fun printables. For example, please check these out:

How To Play Dreidel

A Special Hanukkah Card

10 Easy (and Kid-Approved) Hanukkah Recipes

New for 2021 are the two new PJ Library Presents podcasts for kids: “Afternoons with Mimi” and “Beyond the Bookcase.” The November episodes will be perfect Hanukkah listening (on your favorite podcast platform): Grandma Mimi prepares a delicious plate of sufganiyot and tells her grandchild Kiddo the story of Judah Maccabee. Then, on “Beyond the Bookcase,” follow Miri and Micah as they are transported back to Mashal to help Jack Be Nimble find the courage to jump over a hanukkiyah full of candles. Just launched this month, these two story-based audio series have already climbed to the top 10 of Apple’s podcasts for kids.

For interfaith families, PJ Library is co-producing a couple of webinars this season:

What to Do in December: A Live Q&A for Grandparents Balancing Hanukkah & Christmas

What to Do in December: A Live Q&A for Parents Balancing Hanukkah & Christmas

PJ Library also has a small dedicated shop on Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com/pjlibrary.

There, families can find gift ideas: colorful PJ Library aprons and picture books published this year by PJ Publishing during 2021: Havdalah Sky and Laila Tov, Moon.

Printable activities, recipes and guides:  https://pjlibrary.org/beyond-books/pjblog/november-2020/hanukkah-at-home-printables