The United States Postal Service is responsible for delivering Santa’s letters each year during the holidays. Every year, thousands of families send letters to Santa at the North Pole, in hopes of receiving just one item from their Christmas lists. While most letters ask for toys and games, some ask for basic necessities such as clothes or shoes. USPS Operation Santa makes it possible for people to adopt these letters and send responses and thoughtful gifts in Santa’s place–fulfilling the holiday wishes of children and families across the country.

The Origins of USPS Operation Santa

One holiday season, more than a hundred years ago, the United States Postal Service began receiving letters addressed to Santa. These letters were sorted and put aside. In 1912, Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock created Santa’s first mailroom—authorizing local postmasters to open up these letters for employees to read and respond. In the 1940s, letters poured in, and the program was opened to the general public. Charitable organizations, corporations, and regular folks across the country all participated. The USPS set out to digitize the experience so more people could get involved and adopt more letters. In 2017, the online program started in New York.

In 2019, due to the overwhelming success of the online program, the USPS Operation Santa digital program was expanded nationwide. Now, anyone in the U.S. can fulfill someone’s holiday wish.

How Families Can Send Santa a Letter This Holiday Season

The USPS Operation Santa program invites everyone in the continental U.S., Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to write letters to Santa. To submit a letter for USPS Operation Santa, participants should include the following: first and last name, return address, and your holiday wishes. Each letter should be placed into an envelope with a Forever stamp, and mailed to 123 Elf Road, North Pole, 88888. Remember to mail your letter on time, before December 9.

“There is no age limit––you’re never too young or old to believe in the magic of the season!” says Jonathan Castillo, USPS Sr. Public Relations Representative. While there is no age limit to letters to Santa, it is recommended that a parent, guardian, teacher, or caregiver assist little ones with writing a letter.

In addition, here are tips to make your letter to Santa even better.

Write legibly

Always include legible handwriting and make sure your full name and address are in the letter.

Be Specific

Make sure you’re specific and go into detail about the gifts you are asking for.

Ask Thoughtfully

Don’t ask for gifts that might be too expensive. Try to make thoughtful gift requests.

Are Letters Selected Fairly?

When people partake in Operation Santa, they may feel a little concern about how fair the letter selection process is. “Rest assured, all letters that children and families send to Santa are carefully reviewed, scanned, and posted on,” says Castillo. Generous people from all over the United States adopt the letters and find just the right gifts to help Santa fulfill their wishes. The gifts are then dropped off at the local Post Office, shipped, and delivered to letter writers on behalf of the North Pole.

How Can I Get Involved With Operation Santa?

Helping children and families get the gifts they want or need for Christmas is such a rewarding and magical experience. If you’re interested in helping Santa fulfill gift requests this year, you can be a part of something special at Here are the steps to adopt a letter:

  • Create an account and get verified, then read the letters and adopt one you love
  • Find the perfect gift and ship it easily from the new “Santa Shop” online catalog or a participating Post Office location.
  • Your package will arrive straight from Santa himself and wow its recipient
  • Mail packages before December 16 so they’re delivered by Christmas

Operation Santa Relies on Magic and Children’s Wishes

While every letter sent in is special, there is no guarantee that every letter will make it to the website, be selected, or that your letter to Santa will receive a response. USPS works diligently to ensure that as many letters can be selected as possible. The program depends on the generosity of others and the magic of the season.

“It’s simple and fun to be a part of the magic this holiday season!” says Castillo. “Thanks to the generosity of people all over the United States, USPS Operation Santa and the Postal Service deliver joy to more doorsteps every year, making holiday wishes come true.”