If you are a parent, encouraging your children to take up lacrosse is great for their overall development.
Published: January 20, 2021
By: Jason Kennedy
High School Students are taking up lacrosse at ever-increasing rates. Lacrosse is one of the world’s fastest-growing sports and high school teams are popping up across the country. Children are choosing lacrosse over other “traditional” sports. They now have professional stars to look up to as professional leagues and teams pop up across the country.
If you are a parent, encouraging your children to take up lacrosse is great for their overall development. Participating in a team sport like lacrosse can also ensure they stay out of trouble.
If you want to encourage your children to improve their lacrosse skills, but they don’t always have access to the lacrosse field, here are some lacrosse drills and exercises that high school students can do at home.
If they want to emulate the lacrosse stars they look up to it’s important that you encourage them to do what the stars do. Professional lacrosse drills do these fundamentals. Your children should too if they want to be the best they can be.
Wall Ball Drills
Whether you have just started playing lacrosse or you have been playing for years, improving your fundamentals are key to improving your ability as a lacrosse player. Wall Ball drills are the best way for high school children to improve their stick skills and hand-eye coordination. Wallball drills essentially involve bouncing a lacrosse ball off the wall and catching it. Your children can do variations of this drill using your dominant side, your less dominant side, and at different distances. If your children don’t have access to a wall, you should get a lacrosse rebounder to help your children practice these drills.
While throwing and catching the ball in a repetitive fashion will improve your skills you can enhance your results. The best way to do this, and avoid your children getting bored, is to have a set routine with different drills. This will keep things interesting and help improve their overall results and skill level.
Wall Ball drills are a fundamental lacrosse routine. They should still be a regular part of any training routine whether you are just starting out or you are playing in a professional league. You should encourage your children to do wall ball drills regularly, reminding them the more focus they place on the fundamentals, the better skilled they will be.
Shooting Drills
As well as passing and catching drills, improving your stick skills, it’s important to also use drills that improve your shooting skills. You may not have a goal at home for your children to use but you should help them to find a target and they should practice shooting drills. It’s important to improve their speed and accuracy giving them the best chance of outplaying their opponents and scoring in game condition.
There are a number of lacrosse shooting drills your children can try to improve their skills that mimic match conditions. Shooting Drill practice means that your children should be taking shots at different angles and from different distances.
Agility Exercise Routines
High School lacrosse players should absolutely concentrate on improving their passing, catching, and shooting. But if they want to take their lacrosse skills to the next level you should encourage them to add agility exercise workouts to their weekly routine.
If you encourage your children to add agility workouts to their routine, they’ll learn to move more quickly on their feet. It will also increase their strength and mean a reduced risk of injury.
Agility exercises will help your children with their ability to dodge around opponents, intercept passes and make it easier for them to take a shot on goal.
Lacrosse players should also do other cardio and strength-based exercises to improve their skills. It’s important that your children run regularly so that they don’t get exhausted during a game.
Taking the Plunge
If your child is one of an ever-increasing number of high school students who are taking up lacrosse and wants to improve their skills, there are things you can do as a parent to help them improve their skills.
If space is limited there are still ways that you can help your children improve as we have outlined in this article. As we have shared above, you can help them with wall ball drills, shooting drills, and agility exercise routines. If you encourage your child to engage in all of the above you will help your child be the best player that they can be.
Jason Kennedy is a sports and workout coach that enjoys writing about training. Jason has a strong passion for staying up-to-date on the most innovative training regimes and exercises for his favorite sport, lacrosse. When he’s not writing about lacrosse, he’s in the gym training his players or on the field with his stick!