These are some things band directors often look for when helping children choose an instrument:
Be able to read fast
Takes most air of all instruments
Need straight, even teeth and lips (no short upper lip or Cupid’s bow)
Braces are no problem
Medium to long fingers necessary
Exceptional coordination, one of the fastest instruments
Competition is usually very high for this instrument
Needs a long upper lip
Teeth or braces no problem
Extreme overbite or underbite can be a problem
Medium to long fingers necessary
Extremely patient in attitude
Very selective; limited number in each band
Major scholarship instrument
Fingers big enough to cover holes
Braces may be a problem if needed to correct overbite*
Needs fast reader
Bottom lip not overly large
Very good coordination needed for fast moving note phrases
Typically has the highest competition among students
Braces hurt if student has bad overbite*
Very good coordination necessary for fast moving note phrases
Long fingers necessary
Overbite can be helpful
Student must have a lot of patience
Very selective; limited number in each band
Straight even teeth, medium to thin straight lips
No overbite or underbite, play with teeth even
Extreme competition; large number of students in this section
Fast coordination and reading ability
Most lip control of all brass
Lips need to be medium full to medium thin
Teeth and lips should be fairly straight
Slight overbite can be helpful
Bands have a great need for this instrument
Student must have the arm length to reach all seven positions
Overbite or underbite not a problem
Great need for this instrument as well
Overbite or underbite not a problem
One of the main melody instruments of the band
Greatest need in band – most important, foundation instrument
Overbite or underbite not a problem
Needs lots of air
Student must be an appropriate size to hold this large instrument
Huge field of instruments to learn (several dozen)
Physically strong in muscle and endurance
Extremely high competition among student body
Knowledge of piano is vital
Often needs more practice time than other instruments
* While certain instruments may be a bit painful with braces, all of the instruments can be played regardless of whether a child wears braces or not. Certain instruments may be less painful initially if a child is wearing braces. Ultimately, children tend to adjust to braces within 2 – 4 weeks and can continue to play any of the instruments without any major problems.