The message of “I Love You More Than Me,” a new book by local author Clayton Martin, is deeper than it may appear at first glance. To anyone reading this story to the students in their classroom or to their own children at home, you will find it good to talk about and recognize the importance of acceptance and unconditional love.
Levi was born with both 9p deletion and Trisomy 21 syndrome. Nobody in the medical field knew what to expect for his quality of life, and honestly, the bar was initially set pretty low, according to Martin. But as Levi grew and developed, one thing became apparent; he has a capacity to love others that runs deep. Despite his developmental delays, cognitive impairments, and physical limitations, his ability to love others far exceeds what most of us are capable of on our own.
Levi is not defined by what he can or cannot do, Martin points out. To Levi’s family and friends who know and love him, he is just Levi; a little boy who shows us how to be more concerned with others’ happiness rather than our own, and who displays an amazing amount of empathy for others. He is little boy whose very existence seems to emulate God’s example of unconditional love as his every hug seems to say, “I love you more than me”.
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