You can make your own face mask, no sewing necessary, using materials you likely have at home! A T-shirt mask tutorial from Lillis Taylor, artist-in-residence with the Institute for Arts in Medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, shows how to make a mask that properly covers the nose and mouth, including the chin.
Masks or face coverings are required in all public places in Birmingham effective May 1. The Birmingham City Council Tuesday approved the ordinance requiring face coverings for all ages 2 and older.
To make your own, start with a T-shirt at least 18 inches long folded in half or 36 inches long unfolded, sharp scissors, pen or marker, and a ruler. The demonstration includes pointers on how to remove your mask properly and wash in between uses. Hand-wash your T-shirt mask in hot, soapy water by hand, and line-dry until completely dry before using. Alternating between two masks is encouraged.
You can have fun making your mask, Taylor says. “If you have a T-shirt with an awesome image that you would like to be on your mask, you can make one the way the video demonstrates and then use it as a template for other masks,” she adds.