Prince of Peace Catholic Church and school families recently filled and donated 100 backpacks chock full of back to school supplies for teens in foster care throughout Jefferson County.

The POP MOMs group jumpstarted the project by donating supplies for 45 of the backpacks (The backpacks were donated by an anonymous angel.) Parishioner and Prince of Peace Catholic School parent Isabelle Silko made it easy for people to participate in this outreach by using the gift registry feature on She set up a wish list of the needed school supplies online there and donors were able to easily purchase and ship their contributions to her team of helpers.

Robin King, of Jefferson County Dep. of Human Resources, says in a thank you letter to Prince of Peace, “You will make their first day of school full of pride and excitement and you have prepared them for the road to educational success given these uncertain times!”
Thank you to the outstanding outreach team of Isabelle Silko, Emily Tsakalis, Amy McCarthy and Miss Annie Lane Silko (POP Catholic School student) for seeing a need and offering a way for Prince of Peace to respond.