Families who have lost loved ones will come together to remember them in a supportive, caring environment. The 15th annual Baby Steps Memorial 5K and Fun Run will occur on Saturday, September 9.  It will be held at Homestead Hollow, which is located at 1161 Murphees Valley
Road in Springville.

15th Annual Baby Steps Memorial 5K and Fun Run 2023

Registration is now open at https://runsignup.com/Race/AL/Springville/babystepsal.  All participants who pre-register online by August 9, 2023, will have their loved one's name included on the race shirt design and any memorial pieces for the event. Registration fees are $25 for the 5K and $20 for the fun run. On the day of the race (9/09/23), same-day registration and packet pickup will begin at 7 a.m. The 5K will begin at 8 a.m., and the fun run will start at 8:30 a.m. Refreshments, door prizes, and awards will follow the race. Registration fees will increase on August 10th and on race day.

Proceeds from this race will benefit the Amelia Center at Children’s of Alabama. The Amelia Center is a non-profit program that provides hope for grieving children, parents, and families. The center offers free grief counseling to parents and grandparents who have suffered the loss of a child and also to children who have lost loved ones. It has provided services for more than 25 years and operates by donations and continued support from community members.

You can find more information on the run by visiting babystepsal.com.