One in 54 individuals is affected by autism spectrum disorder – The Autism Society of Alabama created the Run In 54, a virtual race challenge so that anyone, anywhere can participate in support of friends, family and others who face challenges associated with ASD. The Run in 54 is a 3-part virtual race series (Rocket Ride, Steel Run, and Coast Cruise) consisting of 18 miles each during July, August, and September. Participants can register for one series ($20) or choose all 3 ($50)!

Registration includes a virtual bib and a finisher medal for each race plus a BONUS 4th medal for completing all 3 virtual runs during the allotted time frame. Participants are encouraged to connect with others through social media and help cheer on others completing their own race.

Each race will take place for a month.

Rocket Ride – July 1 – July 31

Steel Run – August 1 – August 31

Coast Cruise – September 1 – September 30

Each race is 18 miles but can be broken down into smaller distances to equal 18 miles over the course of the month. Participants can choose to walk, run, bike, row, swim, etc. They will just log them on the registration site as they complete them.

“The exciting part about this virtual event series is, it encourages individuals who have never taken part in a “race” and makes it adaptable to all. The idea that you can “race at your own pace” means if you prefer different modes of movement including biking, swimming, or even rowing, it is doable. said Jenny Morris, Development and Marketing Coordinator for the Autism Society of Alabama.

This event benefits the programs and services provided by the Autism Society of Alabama. The organization continues to navigate this pandemic and alter its steps to meet the needs of autism families in the state looking for resources to connect, grow, and learn. Register today to continue a smooth transition of services.