The holidays have finally arrived. The time of year when families come together and shoppers flock to their computers for the latest sales and most popular gifts. During this chaos and excitement, it is easy to lose sight of the people in our community that could use a helping hand. If you are stuck wondering what you can do to help, here are a few ideas.

Salvation Army: The Salvation Army ( has volunteers located at numerous locations across the state taking donations for impoverished families every year. Just visit a local Walmart or shopping center and listen for the sound of a ringing bell. Even if a quarter is the only amount you can afford to give or have on hand the next time you cross paths with a merry bell ringer, please remember that even the smallest donations can make a big difference.

First Responders: First responders work tirelessly through the holidays to keep our community safe. This year, show appreciation for their hard work by bringing them a meal or tasty treat. This will brighten their day and fill their bellies while they are away from home and missing out on some of their own holiday traditions to be there in case we need them.

Angel Tree: The Angel Tree Program is run by the Salvation Army ( and allows for individuals in the area to fulfill a child’s Christmas wish. Just visit Colonial Brookwood Village or a local Chick-fil-A to get a “tag” off of an Angel Tree. The deadline for toy drop offs is Wednesday, December 13.

Jimmie Hale Mission: Jimmie Hale Mission (, a nonprofit Christian-based organization, is always looking for volunteers to help prepare and/or deliver meals to homeless men, women and children over the holidays.

Toys for Tots: Toys for Tots is a program run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve that collects toy donations from local families every Christmas. Toys for Tots then distributes the donations to children in need. Visit to find a local toy drop-off location.

These are just a few of the ways we can spread some Christmas cheer around our communities throughout the coming weeks. Whether it be through one of the ways listed above or another, make sure to show those less fortunate that they are not forgotten this Christmas season.

— Chris Adams is a local high school senior who will be attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the Fall.