After a long winter cooped up indoors, spring is the perfect time to start re-imagining your home and making fresh, welcoming upgrades. These project ideas – some big, some small – can help breathe new life into your home so you’re ready to enjoy your favorite rooms to the fullest.

Air it out

Months of closed windows and doors can make any room feel dusty and stale. As soon as temperatures allow, throw open the windows and skylights to let the fresh air chase away any remnants of winter. This is a perfect time to launder window treatments and clean area rugs. After a few passes with a carpet cleaner, allow rugs to air-dry outdoors. If you’re considering an update to the overall decor, changing out these textiles is an easy and affordable way to create a new look. Just donate the used drapes and rugs after cleaning instead of bringing them back into the room.

Shift your outlook

When contemplating changes to a room’s aesthetic, most people focus on the floor, walls and elements like furniture and accessories. However, as some homeowners are discovering, there’s a whole other space waiting to be discovered. The ceiling, a fifth wall of sorts, opens up endless creative design opportunities.

Whether you’re seeking more natural light, access to fresh air, a sense of spaciousness or a way to bring sophistication to a room, a skylight may be just the solution. For example, Velux room-darkening and light-filtering blinds can add a splash of color where you least expect it, and they’re efficient in shielding your space from the sun, meaning the blinds and installation are eligible for a 30 percent tax credit. Learn more at

Paint to perfection

Over time, once cheerful walls can grow dull. Create a livelier ambiance with a fresh coat of paint, either in the same shade or something completely new. If you’re not sure exactly where to start, tackle the project room by room. To choose the right hue, select a favorite item in the room, such as an heirloom throw blanket or a piece of wall art, and consider color shades that complement the item well.

Make what’s old new again

Sometimes a fresh perspective is as simple as rearranging a room to better fit your needs. Over time, furnishings can become almost an afterthought, because they’ve been in place so long. Try moving things around to create new conversation groupings or to highlight a piece that has been tucked away in the shadows. An updated arrangement may inspire you to add and embellish with some simple new accessories or accent pieces for a room that only look brand new.

Get earth smart

With all of the new growth and hues of green that abound during spring, it’s natural to be more mindful of the environment. Earth-friendly upgrades like switching out inefficient lighting or installing low-flow toilets and shower heads can make a sizable difference. Another option for energy conservation: Look for ways to maximize natural light to aid in heating and bringing brightness to rooms. Well-placed windows and skylights can harness energy naturally, and therefore minimize your reliance on electricity for comfort and convenience.