Begin by evaluating your lawn. Look for bald spots where grass has grown sparsely and needs reseeding, or uneven areas that may need to be filled and leveled.

Before you take steps to correct any problems, you’ll need a clean slate. Clear the yard of any leaves, rocks or sticks that may have accumulated. Then, cut the grass as short as you can. Use a thatching rake to remove dead roots and grass. Break up the soil in bare spots to create an environment that will be hospitable for new seeds. Add lawn soil to level the surface.

You will also need to apply an herbicide to treat weed-infested areas. Allow the weed killer a week to work, and then rake again to remove dead weeds.

Now you will be ready to over-seed or spot seed, depending on your lawn’s needs. Your climate will determine the best grass variety for your yard. Be sure to select and apply a fertilizer that is consistent with your grass type. Water thoroughly to promote deep root growth, as this can help your lawn withstand extreme conditions as the temperature rises.

However, your lawn isn’t the only part of your yard that needs attention during the spring months. Your garden and flower beds may also need some care before they are ready to burst with new bounty and color.

Begin by clearing your garden and beds of any debris like leaves and other matter that piled up during months of neglect. Gently turn the soil, and work in fresh fertilizer.

Don’t forget to also check edgings for damage, replace rotted woodwork and complete any other maintenance tasks before your plants and flowers are fully ready to grow. If you begin these repairs after growth begins, you will run the risk of damaging your newly sprouted plants.

As for plants, be sure to prune before the first buds sprout to minimize stress. You can also start indoor seeds. Early spring is the time to divide perennials, and plant some hardier vegetables, such as onions and potatoes.

The warmer months may still seem far away, but getting some of your lawn and garden care underway now can make those warmer, sunny days seem right around the corner. Find more seasonal tips for prepping your yard at


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