Sozo Children announces the 11th Annual Run for a Reason 5K May 14, 2022 in the Avondale community of Birmingham. The charity 5K benefits Sozo Children, a Birmingham-based ministry serving the needs of vulnerable children in Uganda.

“We are excited to return to a live format for our run,” says Amanda Straka, Engagement Director for Sozo Children. “The virtual format we’ve used for the last two years has allowed us to expand our reach, and we’ll still offer a virtual option, but the sense of community you get from a live run is powerful” she said.

After the run, participants and supporters will gather at Avondale Brewing for the presentation of medals and a performance from the Sozo Children’s Choir. The choir, which performs in churches, schools and theaters around the country, is comprised of 15 children from Uganda who are launching Sozo’s fourth U.S. tour this spring.

“Sozo started 12 years ago to address an immediate need to rescue a group of children who had been abandoned by their caregivers,” explains Suzanne Owens, CEO of Sozo Children. “While serving in Uganda, we witnessed children living in a children’s home going without food for days at a time and being totally neglected and abused on many levels. We felt the Holy Spirit move and Sozo Children became a reality soon after,” said Owens.

Sozo has grown to serve 124 children, providing housing, medical care, education, counseling and more. Sozo also leads Kid’s Club—a twice-weekly Bible club in the local village community. As many as 300 children, some of whom walk miles to attend, share snacks and devotional time. The ministry also offers mission trips to Uganda a few times a year and opportunities to sponsor specific children or support outreach opportunities in the community outside of Sozo Village. Sozo staff and teams deliver essential food packs and lead courses in entrepreneurship and life skills throughout the year.

Each 5K participant will receive a swag packet including a Sozo Run for a Reason shirt regardless of whether they are running for fun or competitively. Winners of the competition earn hard carved medals from a local craftsman in Uganda, Africa. Runners can compete in a timed run or walk for fun. Participants are encouraged to register online at

About Sozo Children

Sozo Children was founded in 2010 to serve the needs of vulnerable children in the nation of Uganda. Currently, Sozo provides for 124 children and maintains an upscale thrift store, Sozo Trading Co. in Avondale, benefitting the ministry. To learn more about Sozo Children, or to sponsor a child, visit