The Inflatable Park with its Great Jumpin’ Pumpkin is a perfect way for children to burn off extra energy in a safe and fenced-in space. Inside a covered barn, visitors are able to view, pet and feed classic farm animals, including pigs, goats, chickens and rabbits. The new Pumpkin Patch Train is a fun way for smaller children to explore everything that this farm has to offer.

After a short ride on a hay-filled wagon, visitors arrive at the pumpkin patch. Pumpkins in a variety of shapes and sizes, as well as colors, are waiting to be picked. The land surrounding the patch is beautiful with rows of sunflowers in bloom and ready to be admired. There are also several picture perfect spots for taking photographs, including an old truck with its bed filled with pumpkins and several spray painted hay bales.

Back at the main barn, various fall themed prizes and decorations are available for purchase. The adorable, hand-painted gourds were my personal favorite.

If you happen to work up a sweat walking among the field of pumpkins or chasing young children around the farm, there is also a snack area that offers a variety of tasty treats. Delicious and very affordable, treats ranging from barbeque nachos to hamburgers are sure to be a hit with both children and parents.

Family owned and operated, The Great Pumpkin Patch is located 30 miles north of Birmingham in Hayden, Alabama. There is a good chance that you would not stumble upon this farm on accident, as it is found off the beaten path and down an old, country road. While this may add some time to your family’s normal drive time to a local pumpkin patch, my family did not mind. In fact, the remote, rustic feel of its surroundings actually added to our overall experience.

Admission to The Great Pumpkin Patch is free. Prices for each activity vary and can be purchased based on the activities in which you choose to participate. Clean, well-kept bathrooms are available for both men and women. There is even a baby changing station in the women’s restroom. Ample parking and shaded eating areas are also provided. Call The Great Pumpkin Patch at 205-616-6431 or visit their website at to plan your visit.

–                 Bethany Hunley is a Birmingham-area writer and mom of two toddlers.