TinySuperheroes celebrates 10 years of ensuring that the smallest superheroes wear capes as they overcome illness or disability. The program, founded by cape crusader Robyn Rosenberger, has distributed 120,000 capes globally to lift spirits and provide hope to children and their families facing monumental challenges.
Rosenberger was inspired to start TinySuperheroes by reading about a young girl born with a rare skin disease. She sent her a handmade cape and has done the same for tens of thousands over the last decade. Today, TinySuperheroes has created a rich community that supports families far beyond when the child receives their cape. One mom explains it this way:
“My three kids absolutely love their capes. My girls were excited to be sidekicks for their brother, Jacob, and be able to fill their capes together while we go through our rough journey.” – Kalia S.
The program’s pay-it-forward business model ensures every child nominated for a cape receives one. When a TinySuperhero or sidekick is nominated, a personalized crowdfunding campaign is created to raise $50 for the cape. Any money raised over that helps other TinySuperheroes get a cape. Rosenberger says about 30% of people will raise funds but secure enough to support 100% of the overall “Squad.” Even if funds are not raised, TinySuperhero is committed to making sure each child still receives their cape.
Kids undergoing liver transplants or living with rare genetic disorders are examples of the growing community served by the program. Receiving their capes is just the beginning. Kids can unlock their superpowers and complete missions to earn a free Mission Kit with a monthly patch to put on the cape as an incentive.
“While every TinySuperheroes member is unique, what unifies them is their desire to don their cape at doctor’s visits, hospital stays, and chemo treatments to lift their spirits and become courageous heroes with extraordinary powers!” says Rosenberger.
Families voice the same enthusiasm when sharing how impactful this small gesture can be in the lives of their young children. “Super Cooper got his TinySuperheroes cape! We’re so excited he has a physical representation to show the world what we see on a daily basis.”
To nominate a child with an illness or disability who is a true champion of courage and resilience, visit www.tinysuperheroes.com and fill out the nomination form.