Welcoming a child into the world is a joyful event but it also means there are many considerations revolving around your little one. One of them is choosing the right stroller for your baby. 

It may seem to be an easy task but when you actually decide to buy one, you’ll realize there are quite a number of factors to go through before you finally part with your cash to settle on a stroller model that suits your family. 

Feeling troubled deciding on a stroller? Don’t be! Before purchasing a stroller, here are some of the questions you should ask yourself to narrow down to the best stroller choice.

What’s your lifestyle like?

Are you an active parent who likes to jog or hike often? Or are you the type who loves going on beach outings? These are some of the questions you should ask yourself first.

Different types of strollers cater to different terrains – a jogging stroller has sturdier, larger rubber tires that allow you to jog while bringing your child along with your exercise safely. On the other hand, city strollers have relatively smaller wheels and frame to make riding along the sidewalks and streets easier. If you travel often with your family, having a lightweight umbrella stroller definitely makes bringing your little one around less stressful and more hassle-free.

Determine your lifestyle, then choose a stroller that fits your daily routine best.

What’s your child’s age and size?

Your baby’s age is also important when picking the right stroller for them to ride in. This is because each stroller has its own maximum height and weight limit, which may be suitable for newborns, infants or big toddlers respectively. There are also strollers that can grow with your child – this is usually a travel system consisting of a stroller, a car seat or bassinet and toddler seat, allowing parents to switch the car seat and child seat to accommodate their growing baby.

If you are searching for a stroller for a newborn baby, consider going for a bassinet stroller. Newborn baby’s neck isn’t strong so you should let them lay flat as you bring them out in the stroller until they are much older, around 6 months. Strollers that have multiple reclines are good for infants and toddlers so that they can nap more comfortably during long rides.

How many children do you have? Your family size also influences your stroller buying decision. If you are buying for one child, then there are plenty of options around. As your family size increases, from two to three to four, getting a stroller that can bring all of them out for a ride at once may prove to be tougher. In some cases, you may need to get two strollers instead of one.

Apart from options like regular double strollers, double joggers for active moms and dads, convertible strollers with standing platform or triple strollers, you could also check out stroller wagons as an alternative.

Does the stroller come with all the comfort and safety features you need?

When choosing a stroller, you must take your child’s safety into account. You should look for five-point harnesses to make sure your child is safe while being carried. Also, make sure the brake system is easy to operate, regardless whether it is a handbrake or a foot-operated brake. 

Not only that but you should also take a look at the stroller frame and the materials. Is it durable? Does it rust easily? Is the seat made with breathable material and enough cushion so that your kiddo won’t feel hot and bothered sitting in it for long hours?

You would also want to ensure the stroller has a well-extended canopy – the weather can be rather harsh, and you would want your child to be well protected from these elements. Bonus if the canopy comes with a peekaboo window – that way you could keep a close eye on your little one for any sign of discomforts.

What’s your budget?

Buying a stroller doesn’t come with a cheap price, and even if they do, you may have doubts as to whether they are safe enough to ride in for long, repetitive periods. Despite the fact that many strollers are expensive, you should think more about the value you’re getting for the money. 

Try to choose a stroller that will be easy to fold and rather lightweight. This way, you’ll be able to get it out and put it back in the trunk without taking too much time. You should also choose a stroller that offers not only good safety, but also convenience features like cupholders, snack trays, a large storage basket that can be accessed front and back, and adjustable handlebars. It is important to consider the features you’d like to have on your stroller to draft out your final budget that you’re comfortable with.

It is important to note that a good stroller should be versatile and that a baby’s needs can change over time. The best stroller for your family should be one that is adaptable to you and your baby’s needs. 

Take time to list down your requirements before you go all out to purchase a stroller! That way, you will be more prepared and more sure of your ideal baby stroller that will make both you and your baby happy and comfy.

Jonie Toh is an author and editor on Baby Journey. She loves coffee all her life, found her vocation in writing, and she has always been interested in baby stuff and the parenthood journey ever since she learnt to care for an infant who grew up too fast into a toddler. When not writing or editing, she finds joy tending to her garden corner and chuckling at amusing parenting tweets.