What: This spring, Fit for the Cure® will reach a proud and important milestone: 5 million dollars in lifetime program donations to Susan G. Komen® since the program’s inception.  Now in its 18th year, Wacoal’s one-of-a-kind Fit for the Cure® campaign raises funds that directly contribute to Susan G. Komen’s mission to reduce the mortality rates among breast cancer patients through their National Treatment Assistance fund, which aids over 1.8 million under or uninsured patients who would not otherwise receive support each year.

How it works: Receive a complimentary bra fitting with a certified Wacoal fit specialist at any of the 673 Fit for the Cure® events taking place nationwide March –May 2018, and Wacoal will donate $2 to Susan G. Komen® per fitting. Wacoal will also donate an additional $2 for every Wacoal bra, shapewear piece or b.tempt’d bra purchased at the event, with a guaranteed aggregate minimum donation of $250,000 to Komen in 2018.

Through the Fit for the Cure® program, Wacoal and Susan G. Komen® strive to educate women across the U.S. and Canada about the importance of bra fit, foundation and overall breast health, as well as providing the single most effective tool to reduce breast cancer: timely access to high quality breast cancer care.

Komen’s National Treatment Assistance fund provides critical, but often overlooked, services to families and individuals in the form of childcare, meals and transportation to treatments. Patient navigation services for those individuals considering treatment options, as well as psychological counseling, post treatment nutrition and other therapies are also important services provided by this fund.

Why/Health: Wearing a bra should not be even slightly uncomfortable. Research shows that 8 out of 10 women are wearing the wrong sized bra.  Women should be professionally fitted for a bra at least once a year to ensure their bra size has not changed as a result of natural fluctuations in the body.

Philanthropy: Breast cancer is the second leading cause of deaths caused by cancer in American women age 40-59 and accounts for nearly 1 in 3 cancers diagnosed in the U.S.  By taking less than 15 minutes to meet with a Wacoal fit expert, you are helping to contribute to an extremely important cause.

Making an Impact: Aside from the United States government, Susan G. Komen® is the largest provider of breast health funding. Alongside their groundbreaking medical research, Komen also provides vital support services directly to women and their families dealing with breast cancer.  These services include family and personal support in the form of child care and meals, interpretation services, transportation to and from treatment and patient navigation services for those considering treatment options. By participating in a Fit for the Cure® event, you are helping to support these women and their families in the battle against breast cancer.

When: Upcoming Fit for the Cure® events around Birmingham:

  • Thursday, April 19 – Belk at the Riverchase Galleria
  • Friday, April 20 – Belk at the Colonial Promenade
  • Friday, April 20 – Belk at The Summit
  • Friday, April 20 – Belk at the Pinnacle Tutwiler

To find an event near you, visit fitforthecure.com

To learn more about Susan G. Komen® or breast health information, visit komen.org