It is no secret that many children spend too much time in front of the computer or television screen today, and have little outdoors activity or interest in the natural world around them.
According to research by Psychology Today, camp makes kids resilient to daily life stresses and helps develop other positive traits in children. “A summer camp experience is so much more than learning to canoe or singing songs around the campfire,” said Hugh Haller, president/CEO of the Camping and Education Foundation. “Whether children attend a week-long day camp or a several week sleep-away camp, the lifelong impact a camp experience can have on a child is monumental.
“Skills like social interaction, self-confidence, a love and respect for nature, healthy living choices; all of these can be learned and cemented at camp. It is truly a priceless experience and one every child should have a chance to enjoy,” he says.
To help parents take a more active role in getting their kids interested in and active in the outdoors, the foundation offers a list of tips about why it is beneficial for children to go to camp during the summer:
To try new things – Camp pushes children out of their comfort zone and exposes them to new activities and experiences that they may not be familiar with. Campers get the opportunity to try out different things and discover new hobbies or passions. By exploring various types of activities, children have a greater chance of finding something that they excel at or that makes them happy.
Unplug from technology – When kids take a break from TV, cell phones, and the Internet, they rediscover their creative powers and engage the real world – real people, real activities, and real emotions.
- The Camping and Education Foundation’s mission is to develop young men and women in body and spirit through wilderness experiences that celebrate a love of the outdoors. For more information, visit