There are situations in which a single idea can transform one’s entire life or career trajectory.

Take college, for instance. Many in all age and income categories are guided toward a four-year degree whenever they hear it. Indeed, a diploma can lead to a very good job, higher lifetime income, and long-term personal satisfaction. Likewise, terms like retirement, wellness and entrepreneurship also serve as mental beacons to many others. Which of the following words can serve as a catalyst for your own lifestyle makeover?


Earning a college degree can mean the difference between a lifetime of middling jobs with average income and excellent positions that offer high pay. There’s a reason many aim for college diplomas year after year. Becoming a graduate is one of the fastest ways to enhance a lifestyle. But, paying for school can be a challenge. Fortunately, anyone can apply for student loans as a way of covering college expenses, even if they have no savings to begin with. Taking out a student loan to pay for an education can open up endless professional opportunities, the chance to start your own company, and much more.


Making a financial plan for retirement is an essential part of any responsible working person’s life. Without setting aside something for the golden years, it’s possible to face financial hardship after a life of hard work. Don’t fall into the trap of ignoring retirement. It will eventually arrive. Speak with a financial advisor now and get your long-term savings situation ironed out. Keep in mind that while the earlier you start the better off you will be, it is never too late to plan for retirement and starting at 40 will always be better than never having started.


You can exercise and follow a healthy diet all you want but for the majority of adults, physical wellness is about having medical insurance. Without enough coverage, even a small illness can lead to financial disaster. If you don’t currently have any coverage, speak with an insurance professional and find out what your options are. Even with a low income, there are subsidies and special programs that can help you get a health insurance safety net in place. There are several companies that sell catastrophic insurance that offers good coverage for major illnesses at high deductible amounts.


Fortunately, becoming an entrepreneur does not require wealth or vast amounts of free time. Indeed, most who choose to start their own businesses do so as a side job at first. Then, if the operation shows promise and turns a small profit during the first year, owners usually devote more time to the pursuit with the aim of making it a full-time endeavor. How can entrepreneurship redo your lifestyle? Aside from the potential for increased income, being an owner means calling the shots, working for no one but yourself, and deciding on the overall direction of the business. A large number of today’s wealthiest business leaders began as owners of very small businesses.


Love is such a short word, but it has a huge meaning. Love comes in so many forms and recognizing where you have, and where you may need, love in your life can be truly transforming. Some types of love to aspire to are self-love, romantic love, and philanthropic love, and these examples are just the beginning. Taking the time to do the work to discover ways to bring love into your life will have a huge return on investment.


You might automatically place the word fear into a category that invokes a sense of discomfort. While this is not entirely untrue, the word fear can actually take on a positive role in your life. Facing fears is something that takes a significant amount of confidence, grit, and support. When you feel fearful of something it is a great opportunity to strengthen some of these core qualities in yourself.


When you are young you have the family that you were born into and the community of people that serve as an extension of your family that were selected for you by your parents and the circumstances of your birth. As you get older you have the opportunity to allow the word family to take on a meaning of your choosing. You get to think about and decide on things like if you will or will not get married and have children, as well as if you will live in an area that facilitates the family relationships you were born into or instead allows you to forge your own path away from that.

Drew is a financial enthusiast, seasoned blogger, music and sports fanatic. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and daughter fishing and boating. He is dedicated to his 15+ year career in the banking, mortgage and personal finance industry.