Evans Publishing LLC/Birmingham Parent is always looking for freelance writers to enhance our magazine and website. Our goal is to offer a mix of fun and substantive stories of interest to local parents.
The first place to start is by reading our publications to familiarize yourself with our style and content.
We welcome queries and submissions, particularly from local freelancers. However, we are happy to receive material from any writer who is experienced in writing for the regional family and parenting publication market. These pitches should be emailed to info@birminghamparent.com.
We generally do not assign stories to writers with whom we are not already familiar. However, you are welcome to pitch your story to us, and/or submit it on spec. (We suggest you email us first, to determine if we have any interest in your topic.) Reprints are always welcome and should be submitted by email. If you are sending stories about recipes or crafts, art is always a plus.
Please be aware that we may substantially edit your piece to suit our needs and/or add local comments.
Are you looking for a sales job? Or know someone who is?
Click here to submit your Resume.
Here are a few additional factors to consider:
- Make it local. Our first priority is to find top-notch, original stories that reflect the diverse communities of Central Alabama. Local stories and sources are preferred.
- We use very little first-person narrative.
- If you are not an expert in your field, you MUST have attribution or your piece will not be considered. We do not accept “written off the top of your head” pieces.
- Please include a tag line that tells folks who you are – one or two sentences.
- Pitch early. Please be mindful that content for our publications is determined months in advance. Story ideas should be pitched several months before the month it would run. We print 7 issues a year: January, February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, and November/December.
- Be professional. We expect our freelancers to be familiar with the tenets of good journalism, to demonstrate the highest ethics, and to construct their pieces with clean, solid writing. Multiple sources are required for feature or service pieces. First-person essays should address universal truths in a parent’s voice. We generally use AP style.
- Understand that we may not respond. Because of the high volume of submissions and queries we receive; it is not always feasible to respond to each pitch. If you do not hear from us within a month of your submission, it is safe to assume that we have decided to pass.
If your submission is accepted, you should submit an invoice (within an email is fine) that includes name, address, phone number, Social Security Number, the name of the story, and payment amount. Payment is upon publication. Checks are sent out within the first two weeks of the month of publication.30 days of publication.
With the exception of reprints, we purchase First North American Serial Rights (FNASR). All of the work we purchase is published once in print and may be used on our website, especially since the digital edition is there.