Holiday stress is a real thing – and you know it! The preparations and the responsibility of being a proper host can sometimes get to you and this is where we drop in; where this article can come in handy.

The stress can subside within a blink of an eye by following a magical process of simply – organizing!

The power that planning and organizing hold to lessen your stress levels is often underestimated; with the distribution of tasks and timely checking on how well you are on track with everything, you will become the ‘host of this festive season’.

Well, what you can do is create a timeline that works best for you, probably by segregating that task to be done month-wise.

For your assistance, we have created a framework with the necessary things that you need to do for this Christmas season!

So, without further ado, let’s jump right in!

Four to Six Months Before 

Probably before mid-October, you need to be well prepared with your plans for Christmas. A well-advanced plan can help you organize your holidays better.

Say you’re traveling to your home town, then you may need to get the traveling booking done well in advance to save last-minute expenditure when the ticket rates are relatively high because of the festive season.

Two Months Before 

1. Get Your Planners Rolling 

It is time to fully utilize your planners; to start putting your tasks on the calendars and getting things organized. This means, as and when you find out about the schedule of parties and school functions, note them down in your calendars on your planners.

This will help you with quick responses when people ask you about your schedules.

2. Freeze Dishes To Be Baked Later 

Cookie batter, bars, and nut bread prepared well in advance is always a good idea to take some load off of your shoulders on Christmas.

If you prepare and keep them well wrapped in the freezer, you can have a few things handy for an unexpected friend with a gift at your door.

3. Prepare For Overnight Guests 

If you need to get your house all dolled up, in a better shape probably, now is the time to get it done. This is because if you are expecting some guests to stay overnight, you need things ready for them.

In this case, ask yourself questions like do you need new sheets? Does the heater need a quick repair? And so on.

Bear in mind, all these things (although very small and quite negligible) need to be in check well in advance, especially if you want to become a good host to your guests.

Three Weeks Before Christmas 

1. Buy the Tree and Decorate!

This is an ideal time to buy the tree to retain its needles and freshness on Christmas. Same way, for other fresh greens and garlands, you should buy them in this window to create a fresh-looking decor for your house.

Along with this, you also need to start making your house look festive by getting all the Christmas decorations done before time.

2. Decide Menus and Send Cards 

Food being an integral part of every celebration, you need to bring your A-game to the table. This means, it only makes proper sense for you to decide your menu, place an order for luxury Christmas chocolates and send cards to your loved ones before the big day!

Day Before and On The Day 

1. Shop For Fresh Ingredients 

Now is the time to buy fresh vegetables, meat, and any other special and fresh ingredient you require for your recipes. Also, you should set the table the night before to lessen your tasks on Christmas.

2. Finish Last-Minute Wrapping 

Gifts are also as important as food and getting them in attractive packaging adds to the charm of the spirits of Christmas.

Similarly, keep spare batteries for children’s toys that you might be getting, for nobody wants disappointed faces on such an auspicious occasion!

Summing Up… 

The preparations, if not planned properly, can take a toll on your physical and mental health during the festive season. It is therefore advised that you plan and organize better for the upcoming holiday season.

You should be able to enjoy every step of preparation, from decorating to cooking – after all, Christmas is the most therapeutic experience you could ask for. The fresh bakery smell and Christmas carols can make your senses feel alive, naturally accounting for good times; times that you will remember for years to come!

After the preparations, make sure you also sit back, relax and spend some time with your loved ones to make memories that will last a lifetime!

Ritu Vasani is a lifestyle writer. She loves to write about Family and special occasions, considers herself to be a bit of a digital marketing whizz. On most days you’ll find her curled up with a book and a hot cup of tea!