3 Snow Cream Recipes to Try
When it’s snowy outside, it’s almost a guarantee that one kid or another will trudge in with a bucket of snow and ask you to make snow cream. It’s tempting to throw together a lot of snow, some milk, a spoonful (or four?) of sugar, and a dash of vanilla [Read More]
Snowy Stories for Cozy Night: A Winter Book Roundup for Kids
Board Books (Ages 0–3) – Bundle Up, Little Pup by Dori Elys This board book is perfect for cozying up with a furry friend! Teach your little one about winter gear such as hats and mittens as they dress up their dogs for a fun day in the snow. – Winter [Read More]
Make-A-Wish Alabama Launches 2025 Trailblaze Challenge
Whether you’re an adventure seeker, outdoor enthusiast, hiker, or someone wanting to make a difference, Make-A-Wish Alabama’s Trailblaze Challenge is for you. Push yourself physically and mentally in this adventurous 26.3-mile trek along the iconic Pinhoti Trail in Talladega National Forest to help Make-A-Wish Alabama raise $1 million in 2025. [Read More]
What the SLANG?
Not too long ago, I was at a movie theater and passed by a group of teenagers. I overheard one of them say, “Let Him Cook.” What an odd thing to say… I thought. Shortly after, my family got together to celebrate a birthday. Coincidentally, one of the youngsters said, [Read More]
Responsive Parenting Builds Healthy Bonds
According to a recent survey related to parenting, about half of moms and one-third of dads surveyed (2,044 parents with kids under the age of 18) have resolutions this year related to their parenting. Many (47 percent) say they want to be more consistent with discipline. Seventy-eight percent say they [Read More]
Father-Daughter Bonds: How Our Dads Shape Our Lives
The new year often leads to much reflecting– most often on how you spent your time, money, and energy in the year before. But rarely do sons and daughters reflect on and honor the time, money, and energy their father spent on them in the past year, raising them in [Read More]
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Birmingham National Mentoring Month
January is National Mentoring Month for the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization (BBBS), an opportunity to celebrate mentorship and raise awareness of its benefits. The Greater Birmingham chapter, directed by CEO Sue S. Johnson, has been serving children in the Birmingham area for over 50 years. BBBS’s mission is to [Read More]
2025 Private & Charter School Guide and Open Houses
PRIVATE SCHOOLS Advent Episcopal School 2019 6th Avenue North, Birmingham (205) 252-2535 adventepiscopalschool.org Principal: Claire Vaughn Grades: JPK–8 Tuition: $8,300–16,600 Ratio: 9:1 Bruno Montessori Academy 5509 Timber Hill Road, Birmingham (205) 995-8709 brunomontessori.org Principal: Susan Downs Grades: Toddler–9 Tuition: $11,000–15,000 Ratio: Depends on age Creative Montessori School 2800 Montessori Way, [Read More]
DIY Q-Tip Snowflake Craft
We love that you can easily customize these Q-tip snowflakes by changing up the colors of the cardboard to match your holiday décor. This is also a craft that is great for kids of all ages. Older kids can cut the Q-tips and design the snowflakes themselves. Even preschoolers will [Read More]
The Healing Science of Hugging Your Kids
“I’m a hugger!” Someone who just met you might say. They open their arms wide and take you in. Some of us like this, some of us don’t. But whichever side you’re on, it’s true that hugging is an amazing human gesture that tells someone, “I deeply value you!” We [Read More]